Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery - Learn How To Draw Realistic PencilPortraits

I sat at my drawing table looking at all of my previous pencil portrait drawings… and eventually thought of a different way to draw, to conceive. A different way to make portraits more realistic and lifelike.

How long have you been trying to learn to draw portraits like a master, but couldn’t breakthrough your current level of pencil portrait drawing?

Have you been looking at some pencil portraits over and over again, wondering how can I draw like that?

Have you kept searching for the right pencil drawing techniques everywhere, but ended up just reading a lot of descriptions that did not help?

Have you thought that the only way to reach a “master level” was with natural talent? Or that only people with an art degree from a university or art school can be artists?

To draw a realistic eye, it is important to observe it very closely. Consequently it's imperative that they are drawn correctly and in such a way to convey the feeling of your subject.

Discover my SECRET method for overcoming the complicated problem of observing the eyebrows that most people failed to know.

Discover how to draw the iris in a whole new way without just filling in with darkness and makes it more realistic.

An easier way of drawing an area that looks extremely complicated with highlights, shadows, and eyebrows without frustation.

Learn the correct way of drawing eyelashes so you won’t spoil your entire realistic eye drawing.

Learn how I draw the skin around the eye so you can also "copy" exactly the same and enhance the realistic effect of your eye drawing.

A total of 55 pages, 127 illustrations and images to show you exactly how I draw a realistic eye with step-by-step well explained descriptions.

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